Friday, September 6, 2013

...not all bump shots and baby kicks...

This is really the kind of day I've had today. Not gonna lie, this pregnancy merde is hard. Just when you start to think "Oh this really isn't so bad, I've got the hang of this..." BOOM! Your body changes, symptoms change, and baby keeps getting bigger. And since neither Doc nor I have been through this before, we have absolutely no clue what we're doing. "Was that a normal pain? Do we call the doctor? Did the baby just do a flip? Is that a hand or foot in my rib?"
It seems like the changes always happen on the new week milestone marker, which I think is funny, because it's been the only predictable thing about this whole experience. But I will say that despite the constant changes, it seems like (at least with my pregnancy) the changes are constantly building off one another, slowly preparing you for what's ahead...which is exactly why this morning caught us so off guard... 
It all started last night with the most uncomfortable I've been in my tummy over this 34 week period, and continued on into the morning when I experienced my first false contraction. Holy. Hell. It lasted about 45 seconds and brought me to tears. I've never felt anything like that before, and had no idea what it was or why it had happened. One minute I was happily drinking my one cup allotment of coffee for the day, and the next I couldn't move. Luckily Doc hadn't left for work yet, and since we had no idea what had just happened he spent the first half of his day working from home, just in case. It definitely freaked both of us out a bit, for obvious reasons, but for some reason all I kept thinking was "I haven't even washed the bassinet sheet yet, and I'm going into labor..." (Because obviously the bassinet sheet should be my biggest concern if I were in preterm labor...) Luckily it was not go-time, as we found out through a little research. Apparently these false contractions can start happening at this point, and is only actually pre-term labor if it happens 6 times in an hour. It only happened that one time (luckily), but damn was it scary, painful and completely out of left field.
As if I wasn't freaked out about labor enough already, right?   
How's your Friday been? Any plans for the weekend? This exhausted and freaked out mama-to-be could use some good news of what's going on in your world...
...and if anyone needs me, I'll be under the covers, in the air conditioning, watching Netflix.  
A la prochaine friends...

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